Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Losing Oneself. . .

or what you thought was yourself. . .

I was laying in bed this morning, (naked, because that is how I sleep) and my hands were wandering (we don't need to discuss where they were wandering too, but they were wandering here and there and everywhere. . .). But as they wandered I felt my pelvis bone! Now, that may not seem like a big deal, but this distraction was enough to gain my attention from other things that had been pressing just moments before.

So I continued laying there, (being flat on the bed helps one find the new changes of their body) my other hand left its earlier resting spot and searched out the matching pelvis bone. Now, here is where the "Holy crap!" title comes into play. As I pushed against those bones I thought to myself, "If I lose all this weight my hips would be about so wide (this is where I lifted both my hands up and stared in wonder at the space between my hands and adding some for the hip bones themselves).

My husband then checked that same width with his hands, which led to searching out my ribs, which led to a morning tickle (you thought I was going to say sex, didn't you?!) (( No sex, he had to get ready for work)).

But back on subject. . .

I was shocked, astonished and giddy. But. . .also a tad fearful. I thought what if I lose all this and ???? <<<< what? I don't know. I couldn't finish the thought, so unexpected was the thought of my size getting that small. Now I sit here and I know what was wrong. I was panicking. I realized I was losing the security blanket I have carried with me all my life and I was going to be exposed. There will no longer be this big, cushy body that has been through everything in my life. It has been my excuse for eating. My excuse for inactivity and my excuse for being sad.

Friday, January 26, 2007

It is coming. . .Valentine's Day!

It is early, but Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours! Mine will be spent here at home, I am not sure if hubby has that night or day off, but either way, payday isn't till a few days later, so we won't celebrate it till then. (Unless. . .he surprises me, which he does do sometimes).

I'm down 72 lbs. now! I am so excited. There are so many different things going on in my life. I hope I can keep up. I am thinking of going back to work after just shy of 13 years of being a stay-at-home mom. I am excited and scared.

What do I want to do? Well. . .my time is limited. I won't work after 4PM, and I won't work on Sat. or Sun. Why? Because I am a Mom first. I will always put them above everything, including my desire to go back to work. It's my job. :-D

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year.... New Me....

A new year begins. . . how wonderful is that. We can push 2006 out the door and haul 2007 in. I look forward to this year, more than many others in my past, not all mind you. 1993 was a great year. I got married... 1994 I gave birth to two daughters... 1999 I had my son... 2007 will mark several weight milestones that have been a part of me since I can remember.

I am anxious to see the new me that emerges this year. Already I am different, both in appearance but in my feeling too. I just feel better about me. I'm down 61 pounds as of this week. I am constantly amazed at the difference that has made in my life. I am very excited to be closer and closer to the 100 lbs. lost number... :D