Monday, March 19, 2007

Chicago. . . Lit-together

I wrote all this and posted it on the wrong blogger. lol. . . I don't know if I have the umph to write it all out again. LOL. . . Anywho. . . A group of folks from Literotica are meeting in Chicago and I'm one of them. We are going to have a great time. Hub has to work, so I'm on my own. I'll behave... I promise. :-) Well, maybe I shouldn't promise. *wink*

I'm really looking forward to the weekend. It'll be a lot of firsts for me. . .bar hopping, visiting a huge city like that alone, karaoke, dancing, just letting loose and having fun. Sis is keeping the kids so no worries there. I just am going to have a blast. :-) (As long as I don't get lost)

I'm down another 5 lbs. :) 94 lbs gone with the wind. I know the plateau is coming, but I hope it isn't for a while. *smiles*

Please have a great week!!!!

~ Red

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