Sliding in to update. . .
It has been a while; hasn't it. A lot has happened since my last post, which I believe was sometime in March.
Just to catch you all up on things... I am now down 125lbs. *big smile* This puts me at 278lbs. I know that's still a lot, but not like it was. I feel great, well... let me rephrase that. I feel great about the weight loss. I physically don't feel that great at the moment, then again once I explain why, you'll understand.
On May 2nd, I had what was supposed to be a routine surgery. It was to be an in and out procedure of the removal of my left ovary and fallopian tube. The doctor did that, as well as removing some excess scar tissue. I was discharged that following Friday, but went back in on Sunday late afternoon with a fever of 102.6.
At the hospital they admitted me and on that Tuesday evening I was under the knife again. They reopened the incision and cleaned it out, then left the wound open because the work wasn't done yet. *sigh*
The infection had manifested into a flesh eating bacteria. It ate through the entire bottom layer of skin, which the plastic surgeon replaced with some manufactured/donated skin. Some of my abdominal muscles were also eaten away. *sad face* The surgery to repair all that was done two days later at another hospital, where I stayed for another five days.
Eventually I was released from the hospital. My spouse and my mom have been caring for the open wound, packing it with gauze and saline solution. On the 8th of June, I will be going under the knife again. This time to finish up everything... I'm not sure what to expect. The surgeon is going to remove the "apron" I have of loose skin and fat. A tummy tuck. *shivers* I really don't know what to expect. I am worried both because of the unknown, but also fear of infection again. The surgeon believes I may be a natural carrier of this bacteria. If I am then that means every surgery is a risk. *sad face*
I do hope all goes well. I hope you all have a great week. *kiss*
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