Some Answers . . .
I know a little more about Becky's death. On Thursday, August 24, she gave birth to little Owen. He was 7 lbs. It was a vaginal birth and there was some tearing as she delivered, but they stitched that and all was well. She and the baby went home Saturday morning.
Saturday during the day she fainted a couple of times and got sick. She went back to the hospital Sunday when these things persisted.
There they ran blood test and determined she had an infection, but by then her white blood cells were very low and they decided to send her to their sister hospital, a much larger one, an hour away. By now it was Monday morning.
They got her there and observed her condition, determined sometime during the day to have surgery on the tear and cleanse it, restitch, see if this was what was causing the infection. She went into surgery and was told by her Future brother-in-law, a doctor, that the surgery was easy, 19 minutes and she'd be fine. She wanted a coke when she was out. He said sure.
Since they were family of one of the doctors and one of the nurses at the hospital, they were all shown into a private waiting room. Where they waited calmly, but apprehensively I'm sure. . .we all are when someone we love is having surgery, even routine.
After the surgery concluded the anestegeologist reported complications. He couldn't rouse Becky and then they scrambled I'm sure. In the end though we now the worst happened and she was lost to Craig and baby Owen, and all of us.
The final autopsy report won't be available for a couple of weeks, but what they were able to determine was the "infection" was there, but they don't believe it came from the stitches that were used to repair the tear that occured during the birth. During surgery the fluids used. . .(saline) collected in her brain, pooling there and pressing against the brain stem. They don't know why this happened, there is no explanation for it. They don't know what this infection was yet, and they may never know. . . it all comes down to the autopsy report.
Becky's funeral is Friday. It is going to be so hard and so sad for everyone. Please keep "Red's" family in your thoughts, prayers, or light a candle for us. *hug and kiss your loved ones*
~ ~ ~ Red. *kiss*