Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Whisper to me and I'll whisper to you. . .well someone will. ;)

wOOt!! A friend of mine often writes that when they are excited. I know I am. Whispers, just opened its virtual doors to you and me. This is the site I’ve like been talking about forever with my friends at Lit as well as my family here in the real world. I am thrilled to be one of the folks that get to promote this special place. Links are in my “Places to go” list over there on the right. ;) and heck here is one too. . . . . .:D

The site is classy and well maintain. Not cluttered and full of harsh lines that will distract your eyes. I love it. Go! Go! Go! Whisper when you get there though. . .or moan. I’m sure they won’t mind.

Ohhh and btw. . .I’m down another 6 lbs. w00t!!


Anonymous said...

Hi,I hope you surgery works great for you.No you don't know me,I was reading your stories on storiesonline on just wanted to say Thank You for sharing them,great stories.notagain49

RedHairedandFriendly said...

Thanks :) I appreciate you stopping by. The surgery is going great!!!! I'm thrilled. :-)