Friday, November 03, 2006

A week and a half later. . .

The title says it all doesn't it? It has been 10 days since the surgery. What things have I noticed that are different? For one thing my sweet taste bud is back to normal. No longer do my natural sugars taste sour. I don't know about added sugar, because I do my best to stay away from those and I'm not on pain killers any more either, though sometimes I am sore.

I am going out for breakfast this morning. . .I'm ordering oatmeal. lol. Hubby will be having the works. ;-)

have also noticed how much I used to eat and how little I eat now. What a difference! It wasn't like I ate a lot mind you. I am lazy. I admit it. I'm inactive and have been since around my 8th grade year, when my family moved from a place in Tennessee where I was very active. We went from working on a farm as a family with chores and everything to doing nothing. It was too easy to just sit on the couch and watch TV when you were the new kid in the country and you didn't have chores anymore. My parents fault I got fat? NO. . .I have never blamed mom and dad. I know who got me to where I am today. . .I did. That includes the surgery too. I made that decision and in the end. . .honestly, no one pressured me to do it.

Anywho. . . moving on.

Changes. . .I find myself freting over losing weight. I did something so drastic, I worry I'll be the one person it doesn't work for. I worry I'll be the one that gains weight from it, even though I am watching the sizes, 2 ounces of food 3 times a day. . .It isn't a lot, so I know it is just my mentality that makes me fret. I worry I'll weigh in and fail. I haven't weighed in yet. The doctor suggests once a week, but I just haven't had anyone to take me to weigh in at my family doctor's yet. I will be doing it today though.

I'm worried to be doing that. . . the scales aren't the same as what I had at the hospital and I worry that perhaps they'll be way different. lol. . . What a joke huh? I know I can't possibly have done horrible. I have been really good about my meals and what I am allowed to have. I just worry. . . can ya tell. *rollseyes*

I am having trouble getting all my vitamins in. I work on it though. Yesterday I got everything in but one calcium chew. I am also working on water and protein issues, two more things I am working on getting all in. I need 65 grams of protein a day, so I have protein shakes that have 19g. in them, but I usually only get one of those down. . .no they aren't the greatest tasting. My biggest worry is I'm going to smell like a giant vitamin. ;-)

I have so much invested in this. . . I think that is why my mind plays tricks on me and I doubt myself. My life. . .what bigger investment is there? *kiss and hugs and thanks for visiting today...* ~ Red

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