My check ups...
I had my appts with the dietitian and the gastric bypass surgeon on Friday. On the Tuesday before I had an appt. with my plastic surgeon. So let's cover each one in sequence. ;-) :-D
The plastic surgeon has given me a clean bill of health, seven weeks post op from the final surgery, which removed the "apron" of skin. He's allowing me to go back to doing abdominal weights. I'm also still working out at the "Y". I've hit 151 lbs, so far. :-D He's looking forward to seeing me again... yeah I know it's $$ that helps urge him to get me back in his office, but he's also very sincere about helping improve my "saggy skin." I so look forward to my breasts being brought back up to where they need to be.
My dietitian was cool. She's thrilled with the progress I've made, and of course so am I! lol... She doesn't want me to increase the 6 oz. of food unless I seem to be craving a snack more often. Then I can increase it an ounce at a time. I wasn't taking enough of my B-12, so now I am. *blushes* I'm to continue what I'm doing and she puts my goal weight at 150-160. Also I'm going back on Wednesday to do an interview and sit with a focus group for the hospital's newest promotional commercial. :-D No guarantee, but I get paid 75.00 just for showing up and being interviewed!
My surgeon is also very happy with how things are going. She ordered my yearly blood work, so I have to have that done 2 weeks before my anniversary appt. in October. She says a goal of 180....
so... I'm going for 170. :-D