Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Lazy Sunday Morning ...

I woke up this morning to the sounds of another snoring in my bed. Now my husband left at 8:00 for work and so, who was snoring in my bed, but my seven year old son. Needless to say, he was awoken with a few tickels. What a way to start a morning. lol. . .

Yesterday was a busy day. We left here around 1:00 and headed to Wal-Mart. I sent my kids and their Dad off to look for Mother's Day ideas as well as Birthday ideas, because my birthday is on the 9th. Actually this particular week is a busy one. During the month alone we have a ton of birthdays.

Anywhooo. . . Yesterday after our excursion through Wal-Mart, we headed to my In-Laws. There we visited with my Mother-In-Law and that was nice. We don't see them as much because of my spouses schedule at work, so it was a nice visit, while we waited for my Father-In-Law got home from work. When he did, somehow he and my husband were roped into taking apart the back deck. Or at least some of it. lol.

We then headed out to dinner and that was pleasant too. In-laws paid and we left the tip. ;) THAT was really nice. :D lol. . .

I have a new story at lit. A different read then normal, a bit faster and more raw, but still a nice read: Business Begins: The Agreement - it is an Erotic Coupling. I'll be writing some today. Mainly in the SRP's of Lit. What are those?? Well here's a link. ;) Literotica Discussion Board: Sexual Role Play Forum.

Have a great day everyone. :-)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

A very sunny day

You know sometimes you just know you've made the right decision in your life and a calmness settles over you. I'm there now. I've made some major screw ups over the last few days, weeks, maybe even months, but I'm not going to dwell on them here, but I am going to stop doing them.
This morning has been very nice. I woke up with a peaceful feeling and logged onto the computer, had emails to answer and one was so nice, it gave me a smile.
I have a new story over at Lit.
It's called: Melody and Daisy's Dilemma -
it is 4 pgs. in the Novel/Novella section. Why there, but short? Well there are various kinds of sex in this story, so putting it in one category wouldn't have worked. There is Virgin Sex, Lesbian Sex, Heterosexual, and Group. Also there is Voyuerism/Exhibitionist too. So Novel/Novella seems the best place for it.
One new poem is out. It is called At Last . It is an audio poem, but at the time of this blog, Lit. had an error and the audio wasn't out, but the text was. Hopefully, they'll have it fixed soon. I notified them of the error already this morning.
The family is up and busy. I'm writing this blog while manning the pancakes.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The BIGGEST steal of all

I recieved a message from a fellow writer on Literotica. She sent me a link and this link took me to another "free" online story site. There I sat looking at one of my stories lifted from Lit. From my understanding . . .the entire site is a rip off of Literotica.
There is a thread on Lit. called: Clumsy Rip Off - named that because the "thieves" only bothered to copy the first page of stories and then post them. They removed the Author's name, but not things like Author notes, which mine include the name Red.
How many were taken from me? Around 19, sounds like a lot, but there are some authors who have lost over 100 stories. *sigh*
If you're a writer of Erotica the link above will take you to the discussion thread about the site, stealing our work. In the thread you'll find information on how you can contact the ones in charge as well as what legal steps you as a writer can take.
~ ~ ~
Moving on to better things. I have some errands today, but not much else. I will write up a story and answer a few SRP's. I've gotten positive feed back from the other story site mentioned in yesterday's blog, but I don't think I'll be sending a lot of my stories there, we'll see. Perhaps some older ones that have been on Lit for a while. We'll see, no hurries for me though, I'm pretty happy with Lit. though they are a bit slow. *chuckle*

Enjoy your day. :-) ~ Red

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Awake for now. . .

Good afternoon. I was going to go offline, but I saw that my newest stories were up on Storiesonline. I was curious as to who posts faster them or Lit.. Well, I submitted 2 stories this morning and both are up now! So they are faster.

Now. . .

With that being said. I have a question as to the quality of the work. They stress editing. . .but the first story I randomly picked to read was NOT edited. There were no qoutation marks indicating conversation, which it was apparent there was one going on; the conversations were seperated onto different lines.

Now. . .
There are other authors from Literotica that post their work there, so I know that there are great writers there to and everyone will find someone they are happy to read. Like I said, mine was a random story and I didn't know the author either.
I encourage you to check out the site. If you want your stories out to the public faster than Literotica then you may want to consider this group.
Onward to my day. . .
My Mother-In-Law is due here in 45 min. . .
Enough said. ;)

Just a picture right now. . .I'm tired. ;)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


She's let go
by RedHairedandFriendly ©

She’s hurting, alone, sad.
Her body shattered, consumed
with pain and tears.

They flow faster each trip
down her soft cheeks.
Her heart, her love, is gone.

Each tear tumbles freely,
trying to cover her, shield her,
She needs to heal, to breathe.

she sees the peak.
The point of freedom in reach.
Grasping it she prays.

Gently it holds her.
Protects her, never lets her go.
Light burns the dark and loves her.

See her face lifted high
She’s there on the mountain soaring
Weightless with no worries...



I am this person today. I am free. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders and for that I feel better. I was being held down as this poem: Knotted in Twine reads. I'm no longer knotted, funny how one day can change your out look. I will still have days like this: Be Gone but that's okay because It won a battle; I won a war. I know I'll be okay.

Those three poems are the newest ones on Lit. I hope you enjoy them. They were hard to write, but healing works. The one written above was written a few weeks ago, but it fits me better today then ever before. I hope when I am down I'll come back and remember to read this post.

Have a glorious and wonderful day ~ I will. :-)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Another day of Mass Confusion...

I went to bed last night at a decent time and woke up this morning without that *blah* feeling I had most of yesterday. It was a funky day, but this one looks and feels more promising.

My newest release is out over at Literotica. Love Letters to Him No. 3 is a continuing series with a writer at Lit. As is Epistile to My Captain, mentioned in yesterday's blog post. I thought perhaps, I would create a second blog that just talks about the stories I write, but who knows if and when I can ever keep up another blog.

They say it takes 6 weeks to make a habit of something. I'm trying this first, before I tackle something else.

I may just post more today, it is still pretty early here.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Good Afternoon - Movie Review

I saw Disney's The Wild this afternoon with the kids. They had a three-hour delay for FOG! My personal reviews for this movie. *sigh* I think it could have been better. It was slightly better than Dreamworks Madagascar, but not by much. I think the movie industry needs to leave the animals either in the Zoo or in the Wild. ;-) Because neither one of these were worth the money spent at the threatre, even if it were a matinee.

Now. . . with that said I would recommend Ice Age 2. That movie is excellent. I loved it.

We have a Drive-In near us. I wrote an Erotic Story with that in mind: The Drive-In. This has to be my favorite story that I have written, but honestly, some new ones I have written are coming really close to favorite status. Heck, honestly I like them all. *grin*

This has helped a lot. I needed to just sit and write about something, anything really. I got home today and was suddenly depressed to the point of tears. I'm not sure why, unless its PMS and who wants to admit that!! *wink*

I'm good now. My youngest has a school program this evening, so I'm off to that in about 45 minutes. Well, those are my words for the afternoon. Who knows what may transpire for this evening... :-)

Morning News. . .

I woke up this morning and did my usual check email thing and for the first time in a long time I didn't have any to answer. Which can be good, but I think this morning I needed an email to offset the mood I am/was in. I then proceeded onto Lit. where I didn't have any PM's to answer and only one SRP and I wasn't in the mood to answer it. Finally, I clicked on to the Local News Websites and read depressing News. . .Jeeze!!!! So I came here and thought, I'll start my blog this morning and perhaps writing something here would make the morning seem a bit less *blah*. It has helped a little. . .

Oh I do have one new submission out over at Lit. Epistle to My Captain Ch. 2. That was a nice thing to see this morning. I have a couple stories pending still and one Illustrated poem. Perhaps those will be up soon.

This has helped. I was starting to feel very down this morning and I didn't want that. I have few errands today and hubby will be home, though resting, it is nice to have company, lately I seem to be lacking it. Funny how you can have a houseful of kids and still feel alone. Ohhhhhhh... enough. *shakes self and flicks switch to proper setting* I'm not going to be in a funk today! I refuse. :-)

Well, I'm going to run off and write some naughty things for us perverted adults to read. ;-)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Writing Erotica

I recently celebrated my first year of writing erotica. I have to tell you, its been a blast. I had no interest in writing before. . .I still can't keep a journal, but not everyone can, can they. I have had great feedback from the readers of my favorite site... well honestly, my only site Literotica.

Here is a simplier way to find My Stories/Poems.

I've received the Best Romance and the Best Celebrity categories in the 7th Annual Literotica Author's Awards: Best of 2005 .

I have two stories published with this new upcoming publishing site: The Erotic Mind.

Yep. . .I'm thinking this year has been wonderful and very promising. I hope next year is just as exciting. I'm thrilled with the ride I'm on and looking forward to more.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Stepping out of the box. . .

I was encouraged to start a blog. Now I have one on my yahoo 360, but alas I am lazy and I am often forgetting to update it. I do however like starting fresh and clean, that and this site appears a bit more "classy" then yahoo. We'll see. . .I've been wrong before. Perhaps I will run around and update this blog and keep everyone informed of my movements.