Monday, April 24, 2006

Good Afternoon - Movie Review

I saw Disney's The Wild this afternoon with the kids. They had a three-hour delay for FOG! My personal reviews for this movie. *sigh* I think it could have been better. It was slightly better than Dreamworks Madagascar, but not by much. I think the movie industry needs to leave the animals either in the Zoo or in the Wild. ;-) Because neither one of these were worth the money spent at the threatre, even if it were a matinee.

Now. . . with that said I would recommend Ice Age 2. That movie is excellent. I loved it.

We have a Drive-In near us. I wrote an Erotic Story with that in mind: The Drive-In. This has to be my favorite story that I have written, but honestly, some new ones I have written are coming really close to favorite status. Heck, honestly I like them all. *grin*

This has helped a lot. I needed to just sit and write about something, anything really. I got home today and was suddenly depressed to the point of tears. I'm not sure why, unless its PMS and who wants to admit that!! *wink*

I'm good now. My youngest has a school program this evening, so I'm off to that in about 45 minutes. Well, those are my words for the afternoon. Who knows what may transpire for this evening... :-)

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