Monday, April 24, 2006

Morning News. . .

I woke up this morning and did my usual check email thing and for the first time in a long time I didn't have any to answer. Which can be good, but I think this morning I needed an email to offset the mood I am/was in. I then proceeded onto Lit. where I didn't have any PM's to answer and only one SRP and I wasn't in the mood to answer it. Finally, I clicked on to the Local News Websites and read depressing News. . .Jeeze!!!! So I came here and thought, I'll start my blog this morning and perhaps writing something here would make the morning seem a bit less *blah*. It has helped a little. . .

Oh I do have one new submission out over at Lit. Epistle to My Captain Ch. 2. That was a nice thing to see this morning. I have a couple stories pending still and one Illustrated poem. Perhaps those will be up soon.

This has helped. I was starting to feel very down this morning and I didn't want that. I have few errands today and hubby will be home, though resting, it is nice to have company, lately I seem to be lacking it. Funny how you can have a houseful of kids and still feel alone. Ohhhhhhh... enough. *shakes self and flicks switch to proper setting* I'm not going to be in a funk today! I refuse. :-)

Well, I'm going to run off and write some naughty things for us perverted adults to read. ;-)

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