Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Yesterday. . .

Yesterday was my day. *grin*

I turned 33!!! Yes, it was my birthday. I can write that now, since it is over. I had a good time. My mom came over and took me to lunch and for my gift took me shopping. Now what could possibly be better than cash for a birthday present!!! NOTHING!!! Well, I'm sure there is something, but cash from mom works great! I bought some things to dress up my flower bed, granted that means hub. got to do some back breaking work too. Concrete and rock isn't your normal birthday items, but they are things I wouldn't have normally spent the family finances on, so it was nice to pick out something to accent the flower bed a bit. I'll have to dig up my kid's digital camera sometime and take pictures of my flowers. I'm a rose nut as well as Irisis ( which means the Irisis will be blooming soon! )

I have a few more stories out on Lit. as well as a poem. So please hit the link on the side there and that'll take you the newest releases.

I'm also working with a publisher to have some poetry sold and made available to the public via audio readings. Now... I'm not reading the poems, they'll have someone else doing that, which is cool with me, because I don't think I'm set out for audio stories or poems. I've done them and those are at Lit. also, but I don't see it as a career thing.

When the company is ready to launch my work, I'll put a link in here for you folks to look at if you so desire. :-)

I hope you all have had a great day!! I had a busy one, busier than I wanted. I've been fighting a cold and I had planned on sleeping in, but my sister called ( I have 3 ). She needed someone to drive her home from a dentist appointment, so I was the chauffeure for her. ;-)

Well. . .I'm off to do something. What?? I don't know!

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