Monday, May 01, 2006

Just tell them...

I was rudely shown the etiquette of Internet use. I'm the first to admit I don't know a lot about the computer. I know how to turn it on and off and I've learned somethings through trial and error. I don't know what bandwith means and until tonight I didn't know what hotlinking was. I just did what others told me to do to put a picture in a thread. I didn' t realize that it wasn't right. I'm not a mean person or spiteful and would have been happy to remove the picture I had used on another site if I had been asked to.

The person I upset said they tried to contact me. . . they said they tried reasonably too. They didn't. They were mysterious. I didn't talk with them long because I didn't know them. What they did was cruel and immature. They changed the pic to something horrid and mean. Then it appeared on my post where I was chatting. I quickly erased all pics from the area they had taken. They said I denied it out right. . . I denied knowing them, yes, because I didn't realize what I had done wrong.

Why this blog?

Because, don't think people know what they have done wrong without giving them all the details. I didn't know I had "hotlinked" something. :(

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