Saturday, December 30, 2006

A happy day. . .

I finally weighed in on Tuesday, or was it Wednesday? ? ? Hmmm. . . I don't know now, but it doesn't really matter. I LOST 5 more POUNDS! I'm now down 56 pounds. I am so excited. Can you tell?

Today was a fun afternoon. My husband and I headed to the city and the kids decided they didn't want to go! A day with no kids. . . what is that like? I don't know, I had forgotten until today. lol. . .

We returned some Christmas gifts that didn't work out right and then I bought some new shoes. What was so cool was I was able to bend down to try on these shoes instead of dropping them on the floor, and wiggling my foot into them to get them on. YES... that means I can bend over easier too!! Amazing, huh? All these little things some folk take for granted, aren't little for me, they are great accomplishments.

I bought some ankle boots and a pair of nice heels. My dream shoes aren't really shoes, but thigh high boots. . .*wink* Yeah, sexy huh. *grin* I then bought a new outfit, to go with a pair of my new shoes. What did hubby buy? Well after we ate lunch at Logan's, we headed to Gander Mtn. (I changed into my new boots) *grin* He bought some books and a goose horn. Which he blew in the van. *ouch*

We came home and he left again, but is back with some wine for me. *yippee* Though I admit I can't overindulge because it doesn't tale a lot of alcohol to do me in now, since the surgery. I absorb liquids faster than before. *eek*

Anywhoooo... New Year's Day is coming up soon. We'll be celebrating at home, which is the norm for us and that's okay, I don't mind... (well too much)

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year!!

Red. :D

Friday, December 22, 2006


Wow! I am almost two months into my surgery and wow, what a difference it has already made in my life. I am breathing easier, moving easier, laughing more, and feeling better. My blood pressure is normal and I'm off medication! I have been on it for years!

I have lost 51 pounds so far. . .YEAP! 51 POUNDS!!

The kids have noticed, the husband has, the immediate family has too. I am walking 2 miles a day, 5 days a week with my mom. We walk the mall (2 laps). I'm looking forward to the changes that are coming, but like I said I already have experienced several.

Sliding into the booths at restaurants, instead of cringing and praying the table isn't screwed to the floor and I can scoot it to give myself more room. . .WELL... I can slide into those booths already!!!!! YIPPPPPPEEEEEEE!!!

Ohhh and I love hot baths, now I fit in my tub with no problems and when I get up I am not afraid I am going to fall. I walk out of the tub, instead of looking for a way to balance myself like I did before.

I will admit I crave Mt. Dew, and I long for bread. lol. . .No bread till October 24, 2007 and Mt. Dew, not until 3 mths, or 6 mths, depending on how my body responds to carbonated beverages. I won't lie. . . I really want that Mt. Dew. :D

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and I'm going to get my rear back in gear and get this blog back up and running. . .:D

Monday, November 27, 2006

One month and one Thanksgiving over. . .

I survived Turkey Day! I enjoyed a great Thanksgiving with my family. The In-Laws were in Florida. . .grrr. . .I'd have liked to been there. . .but then again I guess the weather down there wasn't as pleasant as they had hoped it would be. Our weather was outstanding. As was the day.

My hub had the day off! That alone made it an excellent holiday. :-) We had to make a stop at the store for olives. . .they were sold out of the pimento stuffed green ones, well except sliced ones that you would use on pizza. . . I bought those. lol. . . along with other things to make up for me not having whole olives for mom's dinner. Then I picked up 4 lbs of cheese. Yes - FOUR pounds! (4 different flavors)

Got to mom's and there were 3 wild turkeys in my dad's garden. Go figure and of course hubby tried to get dad to let him shoot them, but dad said no, but hub didn't try to hard either. LOL - - Two male turkeys and a female. Very cool, they were back on Saturday, the dog and cat tried to catch them. LOL .

I ate small portions at dinner, but I was so happy that I ate slow before hand. I enjoyed cubes of cheese and olives most of the day. It was a blast to just sit and snack with folks just like they were doing, but I had to do it with one cheese cube or olive every 15 min. or so. I wasn't watching the clock, but I figure that was the average that I snacked. Very unlike how I would have been last year, just mindlessly eating.

I got home that night and felt really good about the day and how it went. Then of course I worried and worried the rest of the time, just knowing I had gained over the holiday. I weighed in today, one month and 3 days after surgery and had lost another 5 lbs! I'm now down 42 lbs.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Topping the pouch and suffering. . .

I'm learning. . .

What you ask? Well, I'm learning how much is too much. I was eating out the other day, well Friday night and had too much, an hour later I was home and meeting the porcelian thrown for a quick revisit of supper. . . NOT good!

I got sick again this morning. Not from over-eating, but from drinking too much protein shake. *sigh* I'll learn. . . a lot of trial and error here. *sigh*

Though I don't like getting sick, I do feel better now, but now I'm scared to drink anymore of my shake, but I have to get this protein down. This is the hardest part of the surgery so far, just getting the protein down.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Whisper to me and I'll whisper to you. . .well someone will. ;)

wOOt!! A friend of mine often writes that when they are excited. I know I am. Whispers, just opened its virtual doors to you and me. This is the site I’ve like been talking about forever with my friends at Lit as well as my family here in the real world. I am thrilled to be one of the folks that get to promote this special place. Links are in my “Places to go” list over there on the right. ;) and heck here is one too. . . . . .:D

The site is classy and well maintain. Not cluttered and full of harsh lines that will distract your eyes. I love it. Go! Go! Go! Whisper when you get there though. . .or moan. I’m sure they won’t mind.

Ohhh and btw. . .I’m down another 6 lbs. w00t!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

26 lbs. . .

Gone and still going! I bought a new pair of slacks. Down from 26/28 to size 24. :-D I am so excited and I bought smaller panties too. ;-)

Have a beautiful day!!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

A week and a half later. . .

The title says it all doesn't it? It has been 10 days since the surgery. What things have I noticed that are different? For one thing my sweet taste bud is back to normal. No longer do my natural sugars taste sour. I don't know about added sugar, because I do my best to stay away from those and I'm not on pain killers any more either, though sometimes I am sore.

I am going out for breakfast this morning. . .I'm ordering oatmeal. lol. Hubby will be having the works. ;-)

have also noticed how much I used to eat and how little I eat now. What a difference! It wasn't like I ate a lot mind you. I am lazy. I admit it. I'm inactive and have been since around my 8th grade year, when my family moved from a place in Tennessee where I was very active. We went from working on a farm as a family with chores and everything to doing nothing. It was too easy to just sit on the couch and watch TV when you were the new kid in the country and you didn't have chores anymore. My parents fault I got fat? NO. . .I have never blamed mom and dad. I know who got me to where I am today. . .I did. That includes the surgery too. I made that decision and in the end. . .honestly, no one pressured me to do it.

Anywho. . . moving on.

Changes. . .I find myself freting over losing weight. I did something so drastic, I worry I'll be the one person it doesn't work for. I worry I'll be the one that gains weight from it, even though I am watching the sizes, 2 ounces of food 3 times a day. . .It isn't a lot, so I know it is just my mentality that makes me fret. I worry I'll weigh in and fail. I haven't weighed in yet. The doctor suggests once a week, but I just haven't had anyone to take me to weigh in at my family doctor's yet. I will be doing it today though.

I'm worried to be doing that. . . the scales aren't the same as what I had at the hospital and I worry that perhaps they'll be way different. lol. . . What a joke huh? I know I can't possibly have done horrible. I have been really good about my meals and what I am allowed to have. I just worry. . . can ya tell. *rollseyes*

I am having trouble getting all my vitamins in. I work on it though. Yesterday I got everything in but one calcium chew. I am also working on water and protein issues, two more things I am working on getting all in. I need 65 grams of protein a day, so I have protein shakes that have 19g. in them, but I usually only get one of those down. . .no they aren't the greatest tasting. My biggest worry is I'm going to smell like a giant vitamin. ;-)

I have so much invested in this. . . I think that is why my mind plays tricks on me and I doubt myself. My life. . .what bigger investment is there? *kiss and hugs and thanks for visiting today...* ~ Red

Thursday, October 26, 2006

This is what has happened. . .

I had my surgery on the 24th of October and I'm doing well. I am still in the hospital working on recovery. I graduated from 2 days of ice chips, to grape juice this morning and maybe something else tomorrow. The surgeon says probably tomorrow I can go home, later in the afternoon. I look forward to it.

Getting out and into bed is the hardest thing. It hurts a lot. I am concerned about getting in and out of my bed at home. I have no guard rails like they do at the hospital. I may also move into my living room and sleep in an upright position, since normally I am a belly sleeper.

I showered this morning, with hubby's help. He's been very supportive and I can't thank him enough. :)* I know you that read this blog as well as the support thread on lit and are keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I do appreciate that very much and ask that you keep doing so.

I walk around the unit, to help avoid blood clots. Hubby walks with me, but right now he had to go get himself some lunch. . . something besides grape juice.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I was told to have one final meal. . .the words were actually "last meal" but they both sound like you're about to face a firing squad! I had pizza this morning for breakfast and my first soda in a month. I love Mt. Dew, but we only had them in 24 oz. bottles, and that to me was cheating on the plan, because that would have lasted me all day. *wink* . . .

So I opted to go for a nice cold can of Coke. *grin* It was good. Now for the rest of the day, it is water, puddings, jell-o, popsicles. . .and then broths and those type of things. Just liquids. After midnight. . .nothing!

Surgery is at 10:00am tomorrow morning. So I do hope y'all eat something tasty in my honor. :-D . . . or drink a soda for me. ;-) *kiss and hugs*

~ Red

Friday, October 20, 2006

5, 4, 3. . .

I can't decide. . . Today is the 20th and of course my surgery is the 24th. Now is that five days, counting today and the day of surgery? Or 4 days not counting today? Or - better yet. . . 3 days not counting today or the day of surgery? *big grin and happy dance*

Yes, I am excited. I am ready . I am invincible. . .(sorry had a burst into song moment there. *wink* )

I rarely pack my suitcase before a trip, I'm one of those last minute folks. I will be packing soon though, probably today if not tomorrow, because I am so anxious. I look forward to this move in my life.

Research says the first 100 pounds comes off fast. *yippee* I plan on exercising before that, but I really know it will be easier once that first 100 is gone! *grin*

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

One week. . .

It is officially one week from my surgery date. I am so ready. My support thread is here; to post on it you'll have to become a member of Lit. remember though you can comment here on the blog. :-)

As I was saying. . .one week to go. You may wonder what is Red doing these final days of endulgance. ;-) I am doing that. I'm not overeating, but I am choosing things I normally wouldn't just eat all the time. Last week, I said goodbye to Peanut Buster Parfaits, Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie, Pizza Hut, KFC, and McDonald's. The kids have loved it! LOL - I told them to enjoy, because not only will my life be changing, but theirs will be too.

NO! That doesn't mean I'm going to police them and make them eat what I eat. Heck the first month I'm on a liquid and "baby food texture" diet! It just means, we won't be eating out as often and when we do it won't be fast food. It will be a nice sit down place, like Applebee's, Red Lobster, ohhhh yum. ;-) but again, these places are places I can't go into for almost 3 months and even then I'll fill up quickly! Gonna save some money!!

For folks not familiar with this surgery... I'll go from a stomach the size of a football (generalization here for visual effects) to one the size of golf ball! My new stomach, or pouch, will hold approximately 2 ounces, over the course of the year and as long as I follow all the nutritional guidelines, (which I will) my stomach should expand to hold 7 to 10 ounces. Yep, less than a can of soda!

This won't be easy and for those that think I'm taking the easy way out. . .oh you are soooo wrong. If you knew all the new rules I will have to live with, and not just for a short time, but for life, you'd not say that.

I look forward to returning to places where my family and I have traveled in the past and walking the trails and hiking to the waterfalls, where my spouse hiked, but I didn't, because I knew I couldn't make it. I did make it to the waterfalls on our last vacation, because I didn't want my kids to miss out on mom enjoying their vacation with her. In the back of my mind I knew this could be the last I had with them. God, it was a great vacation. No matter what happens next week, they have that memory. :-)

Think of me this week - Please. :-)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A couple of poems that fit my mood. . .

Oh my god, I can not breathe
as you sit and toy with me.
My heart is locked within my chest.
My fingers numb; my mind can’t rest.
I stare in wonder and wait for time
to heal my wounds and stop this crime.
This time was mine and yours to play.
Then someone came and pulled you away.
I can not see through the tears I shed
as I see another with you is led
down the path of sweet release,
the one I thought was mine to feast.


I am such a joke.
Others point and laugh as the
words I pen are nothing but
a quick way to get another off.
Meaning nothing to some.
Everything to me.
A little to another.
In the end though,
they are nothing.
Just flat, black words
on a screen that makes
my head hurt.


My heart is finished.
I’m no longer here.
I’m just going to write and say hello.
Lean on a shoulder or two.
But I’m done loving,
I’m done caring.
I’m simply done.

How hollow that feeling is,
the one where you just look back
and see forever staring you in the face,
mocking you.
Foolish girl.
Heart on your sleeve wearing you out.
A backbone made of Jell-O.
Too nice to open your mouth and proclaim
how stung you are.
But willing to sit back and let it happen over
and over and over again.
Boy, Red you’re a piece of work.
Idiot, empty, hollow, foolish girl.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Like I don't have enough to do. . .

I was told I should look into this. . . National Novel Writing Month. Click it and you can roll your eyes at me later!

Yeap. . .50,000 words in a month! *grins* If I don't do it then okay, that's life. But you know I'm going to try! I have so many ideas, sometimes though I admit they are hard to form into words.

The Chain Story about Laresa the Genie is like that. I thought of this great chain, wrote chapter one and then my mind went blank. Eventually, I did come up with my next addition to the chain, which will be Ch. 9 when it comes out. But I had to consult with other writers on the chain to help me get it into focus. Here's a link to the page where you can scroll down and find the chapters for Laresa's World. As you can see, chapters are written by different writers and these are some excellent folks!

The surgery date is slowly creeping up. . . I do have my preop testing and preop class on Monday and Tuesday. I have cold, damn it! I want to be healthy when I take that freakin' breathing test, so I can pass it. LOL. :D

Live your day today with an extra skip, oh and if you see a pretty flower, sniff it after you check for BEES!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

First wave of nervousness. . .

I’ll be heading out of town for some pretest and a pre op class the second week of October for my surgery. I am still very excited about it and yes, still trying not to think of death. *eek* I know personally that I’m not going to know. . . unless it is after the fact, but I worry about what will happen with my family.

I don’t think it is being self-centered or ego boosting to say this, but I am part of the backbone to my family. My mom, sisters, nieces and my kids need me here. I’m a great sounding board and I worry for them, what will happen if the worst happens.

People ask others. . .are you afraid of death? Death - no. Leaving the ones behind is what fears me. I know if the worst happens, they will get by, but I would not wish that on anyone. I’m sure this topic will plague me as time draws closer to the day of surgery. I wish it wouldn’t. . .but that is life, and I am only human.

*kiss the ones you love and say your sorry to the ones your battling - Tomorrow is a second closer. . . *

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My First "E" - - - :-D

Passing Glances is a HIT. :-D

I recieved my first E from the Editors of Literotica! I am thrilled, giddy, and just plain happy. The story is called, as the above link suggests. . .Passing Glances. It is the story of two people brought together after being rude, then thrown together after one endures a tragedy.

I am in awe that the Editor liked the story so much to reward it with an "E" . . . It is MY FIRST!! (oops mentioned that)

I hope you read it and please vote, comment, heck send me an email through Lit and let me know what you think. . .

Just be happy today and enjoy yourself. . .ohhh also... The date for the Gastric Bypass is October 24. I'll post more on that as it gets closer, or as thoughts descend upon me.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Vacations. . .

I am home from ours!!

We went to several different places in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This is a photo off the web, of one of the many sites a person can see in the UP. I've been here, this is Tahquamenon Falls. . .but that was another trip, during another time. . .;) This trip was spent in or around the Munising area.

It was the second time for us and just as wonderful as the first. We've been all over the Upper Peninsula, camping or staying in Hotels. This trip was our fifth or sixth trip. We spent it in hotels - though I do enjoy camping - - sometimes - - - I think. . .

This time our trip was short and so packing up a tent and sleeping bags was pushed to the side so the pleasure of the trip wasn't shortened by the chore of breaking camp and pit toilets. ;) Though we did use some of those here and there on the trip.

I wish I knew how to put my own pictures up, eventually I will have to submit to technology and learn how to do that, even start my own web page site and not a blog, so I can host my own pics. I have several beautiful ones, but will do my best to find ones on the web for now that represent the places I saw, maybe we'll get lucky and I'll find some of the same things I took pictures of too.

First we stayed at the Comfort Inn in Munising. The stay was nice, not anything spectacular. . .and damn I wished it had been Queen beds instead of the cramped full ones. (Kings are really nice. ;) ) - - - the spare cot for my son was $10.00 that was a bit much in my opinion. . .*rollseyes* but he's getting to old and tall to squeeze between his sisters, or sleep at their feet.

We thought of taking the glass bottom boat tour, (which would have shown us 3 wrecks on the Great Lakes and a tour around Grand Island) . . .after all that was the reason we headed to the UP to begin with, but the tour was only half running and I wasn't so sure, nor was my spouse that we wanted to pay the cash for such a short stint, even at half price. . . So we opted instead to drive and take in scenic overpasses and make our way to various waterfalls on the trip.

One waterfall, Laughing Whitefish was an extremely lovely one to view (this link actually is very close to a photo I took. . .:) . . .I tell myself this everytime I remember gasping for breath on the return trip back up the stairs and the hike to the car. lol . . .I should stress, the walk wasn't strenous to anyone in good health and moderately good shape. I am not in good shape, nor close to it, but I can tell you. . .I hiked everywhere the family did and though it was hard, I know my kids will have me in their memories of being there with them when they took in the sights of God's beautiful world.

We also so many other beautiful places that day and eventually traveled down toward Escanaba.

We stayed at a simple motel, it was the basic, the kind where all you really want is a place to shower, sleep and pee! It was however 10 times better than the Comfort Inn. . .why? BECAUSE of the Queen Size bed. lol. . .I really don't like the small ones, they are too cramped for good sleeping, great for intimite play, but that is nil when kids are in the other bed beside you. lol. . .

Fayette, a small iron smelting town was one of the stops we made in this area. It was very informative and cool. I loved the view given to us the visitors, though I know it wasn't this beautiful when it was a working pig iron village.

I have a pic very similar to this one. :) Lovely view.
And this one. . . :D
And this one - minus the boats. . . :)

Beautiful land the UP. . .I can see myself living there, so can my spouse, so that is a plus. ;)

Ohhh we saw more, but I shouldn't fill my blog with to many links. . . The highlight of the trip for the Husband?? This was his goal: Cabela's in Dundee Michigan, the lower part of the state. ;)

It was a great vacation, but like most. . .I was glad to be home and back in my bed. . . MY Queen size bed. . .:)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Some Answers . . .

I know a little more about Becky's death. On Thursday, August 24, she gave birth to little Owen. He was 7 lbs. It was a vaginal birth and there was some tearing as she delivered, but they stitched that and all was well. She and the baby went home Saturday morning.

Saturday during the day she fainted a couple of times and got sick. She went back to the hospital Sunday when these things persisted.

There they ran blood test and determined she had an infection, but by then her white blood cells were very low and they decided to send her to their sister hospital, a much larger one, an hour away. By now it was Monday morning.

They got her there and observed her condition, determined sometime during the day to have surgery on the tear and cleanse it, restitch, see if this was what was causing the infection. She went into surgery and was told by her Future brother-in-law, a doctor, that the surgery was easy, 19 minutes and she'd be fine. She wanted a coke when she was out. He said sure.

Since they were family of one of the doctors and one of the nurses at the hospital, they were all shown into a private waiting room. Where they waited calmly, but apprehensively I'm sure. . .we all are when someone we love is having surgery, even routine.

After the surgery concluded the anestegeologist reported complications. He couldn't rouse Becky and then they scrambled I'm sure. In the end though we now the worst happened and she was lost to Craig and baby Owen, and all of us.

The final autopsy report won't be available for a couple of weeks, but what they were able to determine was the "infection" was there, but they don't believe it came from the stitches that were used to repair the tear that occured during the birth. During surgery the fluids used. . .(saline) collected in her brain, pooling there and pressing against the brain stem. They don't know why this happened, there is no explanation for it. They don't know what this infection was yet, and they may never know. . . it all comes down to the autopsy report.

Becky's funeral is Friday. It is going to be so hard and so sad for everyone. Please keep "Red's" family in your thoughts, prayers, or light a candle for us. *hug and kiss your loved ones*

~ ~ ~ Red. *kiss*

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Frustrated Feelings

Frustrated Feelings


Author’s Note: I met her at weddings and family affairs, not at weekend card games or shopping sprees, but Becky C. was a part of my family and her shocking and unexpected death still hurts. For Becky, her surviving husband and newborn son, I leave these words. A paltry thing to offer, but all I can give. ~ Red

Daisy chains and kisses lay littered on the ground.
Tiny fingers grip the hands of a man wearing a frown.
Hearts lie broken on a sea of glass.
Teardrops fall; silent sobs pass.

Eyes lift, up to the sky.
Whispers are spoken, from lips asking why.
Dreams were made, now they lie scattered about.
While two hands try to figure it out.

He holds his head, against clenched fists,
and trembles and shakes not wanting this.
She stares down, her heart healed and complete,
from a hurt no one saw; no one could defeat.

No pain does she suffer, only joy does she see.
Though she knows her love hurts, this is what must be.
There was no survey or questionnaire to fill-in.
It was her time and now they must mend.

She’ll be there, watching with love,
as tiny fingers and toes, grow into someone
whose full of spirit, fight, and romance.
And one day they’ll all meet and once again dance.

~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~

This morning I woke up and I was in a good mood, for about two hours. In the ring of the phone all that changed. My Mother-in-law called and she was crying. Becky, my husband's cousin's wife, passed away sometime during the early morning hours, or very late last night. I do not know all the details. The poem above I wrote for her husband, new baby and her. *sigh*

Becky was 26. A new mom. I didn't "know" her well, but I knew her enough from the brief encounters at weddings, family get togethers, and through the grape vine of relatives that we do see on a regular basis. She was a beautiful woman, with a kind heart from what I remember and from what I know others believe.

The pain is real for me, a different level of pain than what I would experience if it were my cousin or his wife that we do see often. . .but the pain is real. I can not imagine what Craig is going through, or Becky's parents. To have this wonderful gift of a newborn and then less than a week lose his mother, without even there being a warning.

Is it softer on your heart if you have a warning? If you have time to prepare? I don't know. Sometimes you wonder. . .dwell or be shocked. . .where is the happy medium of death. . .is there one? I don't think so.

My husband and I will attend the funeral and I do hope to have answers to her death. I don't need them, no. . . but I too wonder what struck this woman down in the prime of her life, the highlight of her youth?

So again. . . I ask you as I have in other posts off and on in this blog. . . love your family. . .your friends. . .your aquaintances. . . because one phone call is all that keeps your world from tilting on its side and the contents spilling out. *kiss*

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Home. . .

I was home yesterday, but very tired. I chatted with a few folks, but not for long.

Surgery went well, but the time in recovery took much longer. About 3 hours. I was so tired and in so much pain. They only drained and cut the cyst away. They were able to leave the ovary and the fallopian tube, so I am very glad of that. :-)

I know folks have been thinking of me, praying for me, lighting candles too, and I so appreciate that, so very much.

Right now I am taking Vicatin (spelling) every 4 hours and percocet only at bedtime. It lasts longer, so I use it for sleeping. Between the doses of Vicatin I get about an hour or so of conscious time. lol. . .before I am loopy, or woozy feeling.

I have some new stories out that posted over on Lit. so fill free to check them out if you wish.

*hugs to you all and kisses too*

Monday, August 21, 2006


Ahhh. . . Red's reflective? Nah. . . just felt like using that as a title of this entry.

My Insurance just called and they approved me for Gastric Bypass Surgery. It'll happen sometime in the late fall or early winter. I don't have the details yet, but I will and when I do I will put them here.

There is a lot of people having this type of Surgery, I'm just another number to the statistics. I am doing it so I can get back the years I've lost by gaining weight. See I learned at my last consultation that for every one hundred pounds you gain, you lose 20 years. I want my years back. I deserve them and so do my kids.

The surgery for the cyst and the fallopian tube is still on for Wednesday. I am thrilled to announce my husband was able to get the day off and will be with me, well, in the hospital with me during surgery.

I look back and see so many things in my life I would change if I could, but if it meant changing who I am, or changing the path that led me to my husband and my kids, then I would live the same life over and over again.

~ Hugs to you and hug the ones you love. . . ~


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Catching you up on my sorry state of existance. ;-)

Wow. . . August is almost over. Can you believe it? I can't and I really don't want to. With August comes back to school and then comes shopping. Now, I do enjoy shopping, but not like some women do and I have heard some men enjoy it too. ;-)

I have 3 kids, 2 girls and a wild and crazy boy. My girls are 12, and 11, my son is 7. There is a big difference in shopping with kids. The eldest, she's about 5'7" and doesn't look 12, (funny many 12 year-olds don't look 12. . .but 20!) - - my daughter is no exception. We shop in the women's clothing for her and thank goodness she is conservative and is in no hurry to show off her attributes! (May I say . . . it is wrong for any child of mine to have attributes . . . grrrr)

Shopping with her is a mental chore. It is a tug-of-war with patience. She hates shopping. She hates trying clothes on. She loves however to spend money. . .boy can she spend it too.

The second child, will be 12 in October. She stands at 5'0". She looks almost 12. . .and not 20!!! However, she loves to shop. She's a joy to shop with, this means she takes FOREVER to shop with, because she will take her allowed spending money and visit as many shops as she can. *sigh* *yawn* *pull hair* To whoever marries this gal, when she's 40 mind you, better have an endless supply of $$$$$$$$$$.

My son. . .what can you say. . .If you get him to try on a pair of pants, your lucky. That's it, one pair of pants, one shirt and one pair of shoes. Just enough stuff to determine his sizes and then he is finished. You are now required to shop for him and pick everything out. . .oh and get it right too! He's the easiest to shop for, but from what I have been told that will change.

I won't tell you how much we spent, but it was more than my hub thinks. ;-) Then again, he told me he didn't want to know how much we spent. lol. . .smart man, he probably saved himself a few more years to live.

Now. . . what of me? What is up with Good 'Ol Red?

I'm having surgery on Wednesday the 23rd of Aug. Why? A have a cyst, about 10 centimeters on my left ovary, and a "tubelar" structure, they believe is my fallopian tube that needs to be removed, because it too is swollen and that isn't normal. So. . . I go under the knife. For those that pray, please do and for those that don't, but do something to get them through scary things, please remember me and my family. *hugs*

How is my writing progressing?

Not bad at all. I finally got my first Illustrated story out! It isn't erotic, but nostalgic. If you'd like to read it, please do. It is called A Few Lamps from His Collection. I hope to hear from you too. I do enjoy comments and appreciate the feedback. I have several Illustrated poems and though I'm not the most talented poet, I do have fun.

I'm not involved in as many SRP's that I was once in, but that's cool. I know more will present themselves soon. :-D.

I hope you like the quick update on the blog and I'll post again, hopefully sooner than later. :-D

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Moving into July...

Wait... wrong title, I should say half way into it, or closer yet, July is almost over! Wow!

The summer has flown. The kids are heading back to school in just 3 weeks, over here in my area. I can't believe it. You know summer break starts and you think... How will I survive!!! Then when it is close to ending you think... Where did it go!!!! That is where I am at, but I look back and I see we have been busy, much busier than last year.

We went camping with our church, did the Zoo several times, movies galore, visited family members, managed to have several sleepover excursions .... well the kids did, I didn't. *sigh*;)

The girls and the hubby went to Cedar Point. They stayed all day!

My son and I stayed home, though he's tall enough for the rides, I am just not ready to let him ride them, remember he's only 7 and weighs around 55 or 60 lbs. It just isn't going to happen for him. . . Me. . . I don't care for the lines at the parks. They just aren't my thing. *shrugs* I do like water parks, guess I like to get wet. ;)

Anywhoooooo. . . they all had a great time. My son and I played puttputt, he got a new Playstation 2 game, a trip to Dairy Queen, and later supper at Pizza Hut. We had a good mom/son day. :D

Hmm... on the writing front, I didn't win the Nude Day Contest, but that's okay. :D

I did find out I was picked for the Feb. 2006 Reader's Choice Nomiee for Illustrated poetry. :D That's cool. The poem: Droplets of Heat was my first "nude" photo poem...*blush* Take a gander if you like. ;) *double blush*

Ohhh and do know what!! (of course not, but I'm rather excited) For many folks who know me and read this blog, (yeah I know it isn't a lot... but I can imagine can't I) I have purchased my first "toy"... yep... that kind of toy. ;) You'd think after writing all those sex stories I'd have had one by now. I'm looking forward to "trying" it out. *triple blush* It should be in sometime over the next few days. :D

Enjoy your week... I hope to. ;)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A story update

I sit here wondering what to do this evening. I was asked to write a story for a reader and I have had to decline. I tried to, but alas I couldn’t. It was a bit frustrating for me to admit, but I felt it only fair to inform the reader that the story wasn’t going to happen. Now ... I find myself bored. I had focused on this story and then to sit down write several pages and realize... there is no story here, then pitch it ... is frustrating, but had to be done.

What stories do I have out now?

I have a few new ones. I wrote my second, second point of view story. It is called Your Gift. I enjoyed writing it, though I admit Your Welcome Home I like more.

I entered another contest: NUDE DAY Contest 2006 again at Literotica. I know there are other contest out there... but I like my box. LoL. . . My contest entry is called A Slut Named Carrie. Please remember you can’t go to lit and read this stuff unless you are over the age of 18.

There I’m sure that one line will stop all you kids... yay, right!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Yes, my habit was broken!!! I haven't updated my blog in a while. Now I am here. :D First thanks everyone whose read it and contacted me through Lit. I do hope I haven't corrupted you. ;)

It has been a great summer. Reading. Writing. We bought a ZOO pass and we are really taking advantage of it. We've been able to enjoy the Zoo a way we never have before... slowly. lol. Usually we go once a year, maybe twice and we do the entire thing the whole way through in one day. This year thought it has been different. We visit for a short time and go, knowing we can come back and do another section later during the day, week, month... :D It really makes it more enjoyable.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I have been a busy woman. I have been sucked into a vortex of writing. I have this story I am working on and it is scary how it is coming together... I mean... I have to stop because I am overwhelmed by the amount of fun I am getting out of writing it. I mean... I have NO clue whatsoever is going to happen with this story. That is what is scary. To write so much and still not have the story anywhere near done! I love the process of writing.

I have written 3 stories in between writing this big one and I am on a break from the big one now too. I have written 2 fan requested ones and a sequel to Loving in Silence called Loving in Silence: Wet Agreement. I hope you enjoy them. I feel at least 2 more stories emerging from this group, we'll see.

This week was great with the exception of yesterday which sucked royally! But in the morning ( today ) I woke up and my day started over. I like that about life, don't you.

I'll have some movie reviews for my other blog either this week or next. :-D

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

You're Invited. . .

To... my new blog: Little Red's Reviews. Yes, I did it. I managed to convince myself that I could handle a second blog on top of everything else I do. :-) So there it is a link to the Review blog here and the same link over there to the side>>>> so it will easy to reach once this post goes to the archives.

Doesn't seem long enough to have an archive, but I do. Amazing, huh?

I'll be back around later I'm sure. Kinda tired right now. :-)

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful this movie is. It is hillarious. It is great fun for the whole family. There were people of all ages watching this and laughing. Fabulous film!

One line could have been left out, but he's a squirrel and it fits. The squirrel has got to be the best character followed by the possom father played by William Shatner. Bruce Willis is great as the Raccoon.

Oh please watch this film I don't care if you have to "rent a kid" to use as an excuse to watch a cartoon!

What else have I been up too? Well... today was the last Girl Scout Trip for my Group! We went to the Zoo, the Rollerdome, and the movies. It was a great day and a lot of fun.

Also... I wrote a mini-autobiography on lit. Questions Answered by Red, is an essay about the most popular questions asked of me, RedHairedandFriendly.

I'm exhausted. We had a full day and I do hope you watch this movie!!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cold Feet

Yes, I have cold feet. No, I'm not getting married. I am married. I just have cold feet. I didn't know what else to call this so I called it cold feet, because that is what I thought of first. :-)

So with that being said. I want to rant a minute. I write with several people on Lit. in the SRP forums and sometimes they make me angry. Do I blow up? No... Should I? Probably. *sigh* But I DON'T LIKE getting angry. Anywho... a story has been going on since Aug. and I love it. It used to be a favorite, but a writer ruined that for me and now it is sad... I feel like I am pulling teeth to get him to write, and I've told him several times... if you aren' t happy leave the story, but he stays to make me happy?? What??? I've told him to leave because he isn't happy. Not for my feelings. *sigh*

Doesn't saying... Yes. I want you to quit. .... sound mean? But I do. I want him to because he doesn't seem to care. He's flippant and I don't know what to do. I just feel like tossing it all away, but you know... there are 2 other writers and they count on us... well not right now because they are doing their own thing.

But get this... He doesn't even read all the posts. So come weeks later when he bitches about something it is usually because he didn't keep up with the "dribble" (he's phrase) that the other writers posted. OMGoodness!!! I just want to cry sometimes.

I really hate being nice sometimes. You know that!

Anywhooo... what I did this time was posted and then told him... Look, if you don't post then that is up to you, but I'll move my character when I'm ready. If you get pissed to bad. Because I wasn't hunting him down. *sigh*

Even then I feel like I should be apologizing... Damn it!!! I did nothing wrong!!!

Why do I feel like I have to apologize for everything. Oh that's for a different blog I have a friend who has a rant blog. I'll post that there and toss a link at you if I decide to post it. ;-)

Two new stories out on Lit.

My first Mind Control..... PLEASE comment on this one. I've never written mind control and please don't be asinine about it. . .constructive critisim is appreciated as well as friendly admiration. *grin* Helpful Whispers.

The second is the first chapter to a new set of Chain Stories: On the Bus: Naughty Whispers.

Oh the SRP forum of lit. I think I've mentioned it before, but if not here is a link. Sexual Role Playing. Many different stories you'll find here. Some good, some not. They are broken stories. One person writes something then the next writes something, but each has their own character to control. There are "rules to follow" and if you ever want to write, it is a good place to start and to practice.

On the health front. . .That cough syrup with codine is my friend. ;-) I'm on the mend, but still not 100%.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Satin Sheets has tossed me a link to my own blogspot there, using this same site. Wonderful. So here is a link to that site and look --- a new ebook is out. Red's Blog Spot. I'm a happy camper. I hope you all take a moment to check out both that link as well as the link to the side that will take you to Satin Sheets. I encourage you to check out this rising company.

My cold is hanging in there. Though in time I'm sure the medicines will work. I finally broke down and went to the doctor and got a number of lovely prescriptions. Yippppppeeeeee!!!

Being sick has lost me a whole week. I had no clue that I had the last scouts' field trip coming up. Geeze! If the weather holds up we'll be busy this Saturday. A movie, putt-putt golf, the zoo and rollerskating, not to mention having to feed the hungry boogers. :-D
I'm not sure what movie we'll see yet. We saw Nanny McPhee last time our group went to the movies. Would I recommend that one? OMGoodness, YES!!!! It is an excellent movie. It has been dubed the "New Mary Poppins" = It is... it is a new generation Mary Poppins, but the old classic will always be a favorite: Mary Poppins. My eldest loves that movie and yes she loved the McPhee version too. We all did, well the hub. hasn't seen it, but he'd like it too.

I have a couple new poems out, if you wish to take a gander. A Slave's Poem and At Last. I hope you enjoy them.

I'm off to write naughties. . .

Monday, May 15, 2006

One day late...

I know I'm late, but I'm here now and I hope all the mom's and dad's that are mom's had a great Mother's Day! I did. My son and my youngest daughter bought me flowers and my other daughter bought me a necklace. I visited my Mother-In-Law Saturday and that was a nice visit, we left early because I'm still icky feeling. My mom got a visit from me yesterday and we stayed for a while, until again I grew weak.

I'm not much better, in fact worse, but I so do not want to talk about how icky I feel. I have found things to keep me busy though. I should be happy that typing a story or thought comes easily to me, because I know some it is a real struggle to do anything when they are feeling ill. I do what I can so my day goes faster.

When I'm sick, it isn't usually that kind of sick that keeps you in bed and unable to move, though I have had that. It is the kind where you can do things, until you get tired. That's what I'm doing. I've stayed busy doing relaxing things. Reading and writing.

I mentioned the Reviews thread on Lit. and how I would be posting my reviews on already approved stories by Lit. I posted my first set of reviews on Saturday morning. I woke up very early, because of my cold and couldn't get back to sleep, so I thought I would read until it was time for us to leave for my mother-in-laws. Here is a link to the post I did for the stories I read.

I think you'll find these all very good reads. I think I was lucky to have hit so many random nice reads for my first day. This morning I woke up early again and noticed my new write was out. I entered the "How to" contest and wrote Can You Kiss Me Like This? and reviewed, (no it wasn't my day...but I was up!) the newest "How To's" here's a link to the post that list the author's I read.

I'm only 5 categories away from writing in every category on Lit. I have 2 of those 5 pending approval. I'm really having fun with this, but I won't participate next year. Why? I honestly think it deflects somewhat from my norm., Now... that isn't a bad thing. By participating in the Survivor Contest I have learned my strong suites as a writer and my short comings.

I believe I am a strong writer in Lesbian Sex, Group Sex, Romance, Erotic Couplings and Loving Wives. I believe I could become a strong writer in Gay Sex, BDSM, and Interracial Love. I do not think I'll ever master... Reviews and Essays, Toys and Masterbation, or Mind Control and Transexual/Crossdressing. Audio I have mixed feelings on them. I personally don't see them as my best work, however I get a lot of nice emails from both men and women complimenting me on both the soft submissiveness that comes across and the articulate speech. However, they say we the writer or creator are our worst critics.

I have several new poems out, all erotic, but all you have to think about. They aren't as direct in emotion as usual. I would link them all to you, but there are like 5 of them. ;-) Just hit the link on the side where it says my submission. :-)

You know... I feel like crap, but I want to keep typing and conversing. There is no one on yahoo to bug and annoy with my mindless rambling... so for now perhaps I'll just go write something naughty to tempt the fates of fingers and toys everywhere. :-D

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Flu or Cold or Virus or What???

I like all the wonderful people in the world that are suffering tonight... feel horrible. I have a cold, a yucky, icky, nasty cold. I've got lots of energy in the morning, but none in the evening.

I took on a new project... yes another one. I'm going to help review stories on Lit. NOOOOOO not approve or deny them, just review ones that Literotica approves. There is a thread there that a group of author's will post reviews on... New Stories Review. My reviews will be on Saturdays. I'm going to try and have them up before noon, but no promises.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Yesterday. . .

Yesterday was my day. *grin*

I turned 33!!! Yes, it was my birthday. I can write that now, since it is over. I had a good time. My mom came over and took me to lunch and for my gift took me shopping. Now what could possibly be better than cash for a birthday present!!! NOTHING!!! Well, I'm sure there is something, but cash from mom works great! I bought some things to dress up my flower bed, granted that means hub. got to do some back breaking work too. Concrete and rock isn't your normal birthday items, but they are things I wouldn't have normally spent the family finances on, so it was nice to pick out something to accent the flower bed a bit. I'll have to dig up my kid's digital camera sometime and take pictures of my flowers. I'm a rose nut as well as Irisis ( which means the Irisis will be blooming soon! )

I have a few more stories out on Lit. as well as a poem. So please hit the link on the side there and that'll take you the newest releases.

I'm also working with a publisher to have some poetry sold and made available to the public via audio readings. Now... I'm not reading the poems, they'll have someone else doing that, which is cool with me, because I don't think I'm set out for audio stories or poems. I've done them and those are at Lit. also, but I don't see it as a career thing.

When the company is ready to launch my work, I'll put a link in here for you folks to look at if you so desire. :-)

I hope you all have had a great day!! I had a busy one, busier than I wanted. I've been fighting a cold and I had planned on sleeping in, but my sister called ( I have 3 ). She needed someone to drive her home from a dentist appointment, so I was the chauffeure for her. ;-)

Well. . .I'm off to do something. What?? I don't know!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Eeek! Three days!!

Wow. . .talk about making something a habit and then becoming so busy you can't keep up. I have had a busy weekend. After Thursday's event that wore this woman out, I ran a few errands on Friday morning with my husband and then later we went and saw the movie. Mission Impossible III.

I liked it. I have seen the other 2 movies and I enjoyed them also, but I find myself liking #1 and this one more than #2. I enjoyed the opening and was surprised by the twist, but shouldn't have been. I loved the action, which it was full of. I guess this movie is getting 3.5 - 5 on the 1 out of 5 review boards. I'd give it a 4.5. Not a 5, but I don't see that as Tom Crusie's fault, but the villian's fault. I thought he was lame and needed more "evilness" behind him. There are some questions left unanswered at the end, but for the basis of the story you really don't need to have that question answered. All in all I found it a great movie and one I'll purchase.

I've got a slew of new releases over at Literotica. For those that know of the Survivor Contest, I'm involved in that and that is why you'll see some work I normally wouldn't find myself writing. Right now I'm in 3rd place at least from what I can see, the scorecards are optional to use and publish to folks, so someone may have more points then I, but I don't know it.

I'm going out today and then tomorrow I think I'll be able to relax again. I hope your week is going to be a busy one if you want it to be and relaxing if you don't.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Busy, busy, busy. . .

Yesterday was a very busy day, if you didn't get that from the title. lol. . . My husband and I had an all day field trip with my eldest. We went to a school event here: Chain O'Lakes.

It was a lot of fun. . .but OMGoodness a lot of walking. lol. . .
My legs and ass are tired. We were all over the woods, looking for critters and showing kids how to use a compass, then later they were in the swamps scooping up water creatures. Eventually we had lunch and later covered first aid, conservation and recycling. She's spending the night there too and comes home tonight. She'll be exhausted, because they are going to be all over that park again today!

It sure would be nice to be young again! LOL. . .

My publisher that has a couple of my stories started a blog for my work: SatinSheets - RedHairedandFriendly

I hope you have a chance to check out the links on this blog. I enjoy putting them there. :-)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I'm thrilled. . .

I got the okay on my first Chain Story: Dry Valley Ch. 01 - Jessica's Return .

What is a chain story? It is a group of stories written by different authors that tie in with the chapter before it. I do one, someone else writes chapter two and so on and so on until the story if finished.

Another release was Trickling Effect - a romance about a married couple that spans 25 years.

I have had a good day. I'm enjoying myself and my writing. Sure I got some trolls that slammed my work, but you know what. . .I liked the stories, or I wouldn't have wrote them. Right!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Just tell them...

I was rudely shown the etiquette of Internet use. I'm the first to admit I don't know a lot about the computer. I know how to turn it on and off and I've learned somethings through trial and error. I don't know what bandwith means and until tonight I didn't know what hotlinking was. I just did what others told me to do to put a picture in a thread. I didn' t realize that it wasn't right. I'm not a mean person or spiteful and would have been happy to remove the picture I had used on another site if I had been asked to.

The person I upset said they tried to contact me. . . they said they tried reasonably too. They didn't. They were mysterious. I didn't talk with them long because I didn't know them. What they did was cruel and immature. They changed the pic to something horrid and mean. Then it appeared on my post where I was chatting. I quickly erased all pics from the area they had taken. They said I denied it out right. . . I denied knowing them, yes, because I didn't realize what I had done wrong.

Why this blog?

Because, don't think people know what they have done wrong without giving them all the details. I didn't know I had "hotlinked" something. :(

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Lazy Sunday Morning ...

I woke up this morning to the sounds of another snoring in my bed. Now my husband left at 8:00 for work and so, who was snoring in my bed, but my seven year old son. Needless to say, he was awoken with a few tickels. What a way to start a morning. lol. . .

Yesterday was a busy day. We left here around 1:00 and headed to Wal-Mart. I sent my kids and their Dad off to look for Mother's Day ideas as well as Birthday ideas, because my birthday is on the 9th. Actually this particular week is a busy one. During the month alone we have a ton of birthdays.

Anywhooo. . . Yesterday after our excursion through Wal-Mart, we headed to my In-Laws. There we visited with my Mother-In-Law and that was nice. We don't see them as much because of my spouses schedule at work, so it was a nice visit, while we waited for my Father-In-Law got home from work. When he did, somehow he and my husband were roped into taking apart the back deck. Or at least some of it. lol.

We then headed out to dinner and that was pleasant too. In-laws paid and we left the tip. ;) THAT was really nice. :D lol. . .

I have a new story at lit. A different read then normal, a bit faster and more raw, but still a nice read: Business Begins: The Agreement - it is an Erotic Coupling. I'll be writing some today. Mainly in the SRP's of Lit. What are those?? Well here's a link. ;) Literotica Discussion Board: Sexual Role Play Forum.

Have a great day everyone. :-)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

A very sunny day

You know sometimes you just know you've made the right decision in your life and a calmness settles over you. I'm there now. I've made some major screw ups over the last few days, weeks, maybe even months, but I'm not going to dwell on them here, but I am going to stop doing them.
This morning has been very nice. I woke up with a peaceful feeling and logged onto the computer, had emails to answer and one was so nice, it gave me a smile.
I have a new story over at Lit.
It's called: Melody and Daisy's Dilemma -
it is 4 pgs. in the Novel/Novella section. Why there, but short? Well there are various kinds of sex in this story, so putting it in one category wouldn't have worked. There is Virgin Sex, Lesbian Sex, Heterosexual, and Group. Also there is Voyuerism/Exhibitionist too. So Novel/Novella seems the best place for it.
One new poem is out. It is called At Last . It is an audio poem, but at the time of this blog, Lit. had an error and the audio wasn't out, but the text was. Hopefully, they'll have it fixed soon. I notified them of the error already this morning.
The family is up and busy. I'm writing this blog while manning the pancakes.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The BIGGEST steal of all

I recieved a message from a fellow writer on Literotica. She sent me a link and this link took me to another "free" online story site. There I sat looking at one of my stories lifted from Lit. From my understanding . . .the entire site is a rip off of Literotica.
There is a thread on Lit. called: Clumsy Rip Off - named that because the "thieves" only bothered to copy the first page of stories and then post them. They removed the Author's name, but not things like Author notes, which mine include the name Red.
How many were taken from me? Around 19, sounds like a lot, but there are some authors who have lost over 100 stories. *sigh*
If you're a writer of Erotica the link above will take you to the discussion thread about the site, stealing our work. In the thread you'll find information on how you can contact the ones in charge as well as what legal steps you as a writer can take.
~ ~ ~
Moving on to better things. I have some errands today, but not much else. I will write up a story and answer a few SRP's. I've gotten positive feed back from the other story site mentioned in yesterday's blog, but I don't think I'll be sending a lot of my stories there, we'll see. Perhaps some older ones that have been on Lit for a while. We'll see, no hurries for me though, I'm pretty happy with Lit. though they are a bit slow. *chuckle*

Enjoy your day. :-) ~ Red

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Awake for now. . .

Good afternoon. I was going to go offline, but I saw that my newest stories were up on Storiesonline. I was curious as to who posts faster them or Lit.. Well, I submitted 2 stories this morning and both are up now! So they are faster.

Now. . .

With that being said. I have a question as to the quality of the work. They stress editing. . .but the first story I randomly picked to read was NOT edited. There were no qoutation marks indicating conversation, which it was apparent there was one going on; the conversations were seperated onto different lines.

Now. . .
There are other authors from Literotica that post their work there, so I know that there are great writers there to and everyone will find someone they are happy to read. Like I said, mine was a random story and I didn't know the author either.
I encourage you to check out the site. If you want your stories out to the public faster than Literotica then you may want to consider this group.
Onward to my day. . .
My Mother-In-Law is due here in 45 min. . .
Enough said. ;)

Just a picture right now. . .I'm tired. ;)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


She's let go
by RedHairedandFriendly ©

She’s hurting, alone, sad.
Her body shattered, consumed
with pain and tears.

They flow faster each trip
down her soft cheeks.
Her heart, her love, is gone.

Each tear tumbles freely,
trying to cover her, shield her,
She needs to heal, to breathe.

she sees the peak.
The point of freedom in reach.
Grasping it she prays.

Gently it holds her.
Protects her, never lets her go.
Light burns the dark and loves her.

See her face lifted high
She’s there on the mountain soaring
Weightless with no worries...



I am this person today. I am free. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders and for that I feel better. I was being held down as this poem: Knotted in Twine reads. I'm no longer knotted, funny how one day can change your out look. I will still have days like this: Be Gone but that's okay because It won a battle; I won a war. I know I'll be okay.

Those three poems are the newest ones on Lit. I hope you enjoy them. They were hard to write, but healing works. The one written above was written a few weeks ago, but it fits me better today then ever before. I hope when I am down I'll come back and remember to read this post.

Have a glorious and wonderful day ~ I will. :-)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Another day of Mass Confusion...

I went to bed last night at a decent time and woke up this morning without that *blah* feeling I had most of yesterday. It was a funky day, but this one looks and feels more promising.

My newest release is out over at Literotica. Love Letters to Him No. 3 is a continuing series with a writer at Lit. As is Epistile to My Captain, mentioned in yesterday's blog post. I thought perhaps, I would create a second blog that just talks about the stories I write, but who knows if and when I can ever keep up another blog.

They say it takes 6 weeks to make a habit of something. I'm trying this first, before I tackle something else.

I may just post more today, it is still pretty early here.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Good Afternoon - Movie Review

I saw Disney's The Wild this afternoon with the kids. They had a three-hour delay for FOG! My personal reviews for this movie. *sigh* I think it could have been better. It was slightly better than Dreamworks Madagascar, but not by much. I think the movie industry needs to leave the animals either in the Zoo or in the Wild. ;-) Because neither one of these were worth the money spent at the threatre, even if it were a matinee.

Now. . . with that said I would recommend Ice Age 2. That movie is excellent. I loved it.

We have a Drive-In near us. I wrote an Erotic Story with that in mind: The Drive-In. This has to be my favorite story that I have written, but honestly, some new ones I have written are coming really close to favorite status. Heck, honestly I like them all. *grin*

This has helped a lot. I needed to just sit and write about something, anything really. I got home today and was suddenly depressed to the point of tears. I'm not sure why, unless its PMS and who wants to admit that!! *wink*

I'm good now. My youngest has a school program this evening, so I'm off to that in about 45 minutes. Well, those are my words for the afternoon. Who knows what may transpire for this evening... :-)

Morning News. . .

I woke up this morning and did my usual check email thing and for the first time in a long time I didn't have any to answer. Which can be good, but I think this morning I needed an email to offset the mood I am/was in. I then proceeded onto Lit. where I didn't have any PM's to answer and only one SRP and I wasn't in the mood to answer it. Finally, I clicked on to the Local News Websites and read depressing News. . .Jeeze!!!! So I came here and thought, I'll start my blog this morning and perhaps writing something here would make the morning seem a bit less *blah*. It has helped a little. . .

Oh I do have one new submission out over at Lit. Epistle to My Captain Ch. 2. That was a nice thing to see this morning. I have a couple stories pending still and one Illustrated poem. Perhaps those will be up soon.

This has helped. I was starting to feel very down this morning and I didn't want that. I have few errands today and hubby will be home, though resting, it is nice to have company, lately I seem to be lacking it. Funny how you can have a houseful of kids and still feel alone. Ohhhhhhh... enough. *shakes self and flicks switch to proper setting* I'm not going to be in a funk today! I refuse. :-)

Well, I'm going to run off and write some naughty things for us perverted adults to read. ;-)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Writing Erotica

I recently celebrated my first year of writing erotica. I have to tell you, its been a blast. I had no interest in writing before. . .I still can't keep a journal, but not everyone can, can they. I have had great feedback from the readers of my favorite site... well honestly, my only site Literotica.

Here is a simplier way to find My Stories/Poems.

I've received the Best Romance and the Best Celebrity categories in the 7th Annual Literotica Author's Awards: Best of 2005 .

I have two stories published with this new upcoming publishing site: The Erotic Mind.

Yep. . .I'm thinking this year has been wonderful and very promising. I hope next year is just as exciting. I'm thrilled with the ride I'm on and looking forward to more.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Stepping out of the box. . .

I was encouraged to start a blog. Now I have one on my yahoo 360, but alas I am lazy and I am often forgetting to update it. I do however like starting fresh and clean, that and this site appears a bit more "classy" then yahoo. We'll see. . .I've been wrong before. Perhaps I will run around and update this blog and keep everyone informed of my movements.